Madeleine Walker - Animal Communicator
I really enjoy connecting with Madeleine. We've talked before. A grand adventure she is living in her travels and explorations of world cultures and our interconnected animal relations.
Ranging from exploring past and present life connections of people and their companion animals, in an An Exchange of Love, to sharing the beautiful gift of deeper inspiration in The Whale Whisperer, her insight and message continues to evolve and resonate.
Here's an introduction to Madeleine and her work - via YouTube
We are one with all that is. And if we so choose to open our hearts and grow our awareness we can hear the wisdom of the co-creators on our planet and benefit in awakening to a higher knowing.
Unity: The Power of the Animal Kingdom to Guide You Home, her newest book is designed to help engage that higher knowing and offers unique methods for self-healing and shifting realities to manifest loving re-connection to upgrade our knowing and engage higher consciousness in our daily interactions with our fellow Earth residents.
To that effect, she includes Elementals and others from the Non-Corporeal world who share with us a common chord of seeking healing for our wounded creation.
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I asked Madeleine to share with me her intention in creating these special cards.
Her reply: "The precious energy blessings and frequencies of these cards, offer an opportunity for humankind to realign and to connect with the guardians to help heal our beloved Mother Earth and ourselves, so we can all be Earthkeepers!"
As you use and incorporate the cards into an ongoing practice, you can affect change for yourself and the planet. We talked about the many connections she has made through the course of her travels, the urgency of the messages, the sincerity in the engagement from the animals and the challenging process in getting this newest book to the shelf.
Madeleine gave a few relevant oracle messages as we spoke. I was delighted to hear the connection with Dragon. I also told her about my own extraordinary (non-ordinary) experiences. We have more in common than we realize and in every meeting more dots connect.
You can hear our interview at Empower Radio:
Conscious Living with Wendy Garrett - Madeleine Walker
*In the Empower Radio Archives, Madeleine Walker/Your Pets' Past Lives
Madeleine has several meditation CDs and her voice is the perfect compliment for delivery of the inspired messages. Order on her website.