“Believe something and the Universe is on its way to being changed. Because you've changed, by believing. Once you've changed, other things start to follow. Isn't that the way it works?” ― Diane Duane, So You Want to Be a Wizard

Friday, September 2, 2016

Exotic Pet Connections - Jessica the Hippo

“Animals are the bridge between us and the beauty of all that is natural. They show us what’s missing in our lives, and how to love ourselves more completely and unconditionally. They connect us back to who we are, and to the purpose of why we’re here.” ― Trisha McCagh

Jessica the Hippo has had a very unusual lifestyle. Growing up as a beloved family pet, she slept on the bed at one point - until it broke. Now 16 and a half, beyond bed sharing and content to sleep on the porch, she remains an internet darling.

Here is an interview with Jessica's caretakers when she was 13, very much a princess in her kingdom.

Here are other links for Jessica and family and their fascinating story.

Home page - Jessica has a fan club



This is the link to the video I first saw a few years ago.

The endearing Jessica in 2007

Part One in a series on Jessica 2010. A glimpse of her world in more depth.  

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Animal Communicators: Tim Link, Marta Williams, Rose DeDan and Sue Pike

"We are members of a vast cosmic orchestra, in which each living instrument is essential to the complimentary and harmonious playing of the whole.” ~ J. Allen Boone

Telepathy with pets and all beings is real. Here are several resources for you to follow up on and explore if you would like to learn how to enhance your own abilities or connect and schedule a session for your own pets.

I have interviewed several of these individuals Check out Tim Link and find out for yourself how you can better connect with the animals in your life .. like my story with Hemingway the turtle .
Other Animals Communicators include Marta Williams -- Review of her book by Carol Upton. You can hear my Interview with Marta on Conscious Living.

Hemingway the Turtle - Image credit/Wendy Garrett

One longtime resource and Shamanic Practitioner is Rose De Dan, my interview with her is on Talkshoe.

Link is one of the powerful messages she shared: From Windwalker. Her book is Tails of a Healer.

Check out my interview with Animal Communicator Sue Pike. Listen on Empower Radio.

Rosalyn Berne was completely surprised when she discovered her own telepathic abilities after falling off a horse. Her life changed. Interview on Conscious Living and on Wendy's Coffeehouse at KCMO Talk Radio.

Animals are simply waiting for us to get up to speed on our connection ability ... lead with your heart and the rest will fall into place.  Best wishes on making your connections. ~ wendy

Monday, August 29, 2016

Odd Couples - Charlie the horse and his seeing-eye goat

"Nonhuman animal beings are not mere ghosts, and society can't continue to build on the backs of these individuals. They are real beings and they are sentient and they care deeply about what happens to them and to their family, their friends and their homes. To claim we still don't know if other animals are conscious beings is to ignore an incredible amount of detailed scientific data and is thoroughly irresponsible." - Marc Bekoff, Excerpt from For Modern Society, Are Animals 'The Ghosts in Our Machine'? (Op-Ed)

*Essay adapted from one that appeared in Bekoff's column
Animal Emotions in Psychology Today. He contributed this article to LiveScience's Expert Voices: Op-Ed and Insights.

Animal Odd Couples is a classic from the PBS library.

While it is suggested that the animals showcased are anomalies and rare in their ability to form friendships and bonds with other species, it may simply be that giving animals credit for having emotions and the ability to form bonds and complex relationships makes us uncomfortable.

It calls Humans to task for our treatment of our animal kin and for our support of a general consensus that animals, lacking the ability to communicate as we do or demonstrate intelligence deemed equal to Humans, proves they are lesser beings. That way of thinking is long overdue for an upgrade, as advocated by Marc Bekoff in the above Op-Ed piece for Live Science.

This segment from Animal Odd Couples is about Charlie the horse. Charlie went blind. As his human caretakers contemplated euthanasia, Charlie's goat friend, Jack, spontaneously started guiding him. The arrangement continued until the end of their long lives.  


Exploring why animals form these special bonds and what their relationships suggest about the nature of animal emotions, Animal Odd Couples premiered Wednesday, November 7, 2012.

Meet the rest of the Odd Couples in the show.
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"All of the animals except for man know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it." ~ Samuel Butler