Do animals have emotions? Absolutely, no doubt. Follow up on that at here: Sharing Emotional Worlds on the blog for Thinking Animals United
And if you would like to explore more in depth our connection with animals, try these:
Reviews for these books are available on GoodReads.
Ex: In the Company of Animals: "I would definitely recommend this book to any animal-lover as a tool of self analysis and anyone with misgivings on hunting. This is not just another vegan propaganda book."
~ ~ ~
Wendy's Coffeehouse on Talk Radio KCMO has changed times and dates for 2017. And that has taken a bit more effort to re-launch (blog) and redirect my content but I've got it running now and intend to check back in here too when I have updated topics and guests.
Jack/Wendy in the cove. He wears a life vest and leash on our lake tours. Saved him more than once from a whole body dunking. He likes to chase bubbles from the waves. |
and consciousness topics,
I also continue to keep an eye open
for fresh content related to animal issues,
sites and links that help publicize
and increase awareness about animal consciousness and
Animal Communicators.
I recently revisited a site with active and current links available in association with Fate Magazine.
My Grandmother got me hooked on Fate when I was about 9 years old. Sick days were spent holed up in the make-shift attic bedroom at Gramma's with a stack of mags.
The body might have needed a rest but the mind was on fire, out exploring other worlds and dimensions. "What if?" and "Do you believe?" Those questions were the catnip for great imagining.
I am re-posting contacts for a few Animal Communicators I have interviewed here:
Rosalyn Berne - Interspecies Communication/Horses
Amelia Kinkade - Animal Communication
Tim Link Facebook - Talking Cats and Dogs
Madeleine Walker - Pets Past Lives
Marta Williams - My Animal, Myself
Marta offers a few suggestions on how you can try to talk with your pets.
My Interview links (audio) are posted on the side bar or search the name and Conscious Living with Wendy Garrett (Empower Radio).
Now for a state by state listing with more names and links, here's a link to the Fate Magazine Animal Communicators list.
While you can get information without having an up close and personal session, it's nice to know about those who are in your area too. The list is a start. If you can recommend or have positive feedback to offer on any of those listed, I will add it and expand the post.
Animals are tremendous teachers. Any effort one can make to expand awareness and engagement with them, their unique consciousness and their qualities of navigating this incredible reality is in our favor.
Email me with your comments and or suggestions of those to include on a list and I can add it on a future post(s). -- lite 4 one @
Suggest: Name, contact, website, testimonial and or reference. Book, if available.
Coming up in a month or two, still confirming the best date, I will be interviewing my Fate Magazine contact who can help me to update and expand this content (permissions, etc).
Extra links -
Inside Animal Minds on NOVA - Page Links for more exploring
Birds - The Alex Foundation - 10 ways animals are smarter than you think - Boston Globe
Fate Magazine - Animal Communicators Page Link.
Paranormal Directory