“Believe something and the Universe is on its way to being changed. Because you've changed, by believing. Once you've changed, other things start to follow. Isn't that the way it works?” ― Diane Duane, So You Want to Be a Wizard

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Animal Communicator Amelia Kinkade and Dr. Bernie Siegel - Interviews via Conscious Living with Wendy Garrett on Empower Radiow

You can't control the world, but when you control your thoughts, you bring order. - Bernie Siegel

Love, Medicine & Miracles was my first introduction to Dr. Bernie Siegel. Showcasing mind, body, spirit self-healing rather than pharmacological methods, he highlighted stories that focused on stimulating the immune response to boost healing.
Thrilled when I learned he had expanded the healing arsenal to incorporate work with animals: Love, Animals & Miracles, here is our interview on Empower Radio - Conscious Living with Wendy Garrett/Bernie Siegel

Bernie holds Animal Communicator Amelia Kinkade in high regard and recommends her on his site. If you are interested in pursing a more intimate connection with your animal relations, she offers easy to follow guidelines and instruction. As a follow-up, I checked in with Amelia.


Amelia Kinkade interview: Empower Radio Conscious Living with Wendy Garrett.

Amelia travels the world sharing her insight on how to connect with animals and she has a star-studded list of references.

"Her unique abilities have been the focus of hundreds of magazines and newspaper articles world-wide including The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, ABC News, The Boston North Shore Sunday, The London Sunday News of The World, Good Housekeeping, Cat Fancy, Dog Fancy, New Woman in England, Bilt de Frau in Germany, Annabelle in Switzerland, and the cover of the Freitseit Kurier in Vienna.

Miss Kinkade has appeared on television programs such as The View, The Other Half, The Ellen Degeneres Show, Extra, VH1, Jenny Jones, The BBC News, Carte Blanche in South Africa, and numerous news broadcasts in the US, Europe, and Australia."

Author of several books, the focus of our interview is Whispers from the Wild.

Meet Amelia and hear her share her story about healing animals -

In our interview, we spoke about some of her incredible encounters with wildlife; Elephants and a Black Mamba, and a unique approach she used to help her aunt (Rue McClanahan) recover from a stroke. All detailed in her book.

For more information on events, workshops, books and travel, connect with Amelia on her sites:
Ark Angel
The Language of Miracles Institute

We are learning so much when it comes to the extraordinary abilities of animals to communicate within their own communities and - when we take the time to learn how to relate to them on their terms - how we can better communicate and understand them.

*Reposted from 11/9/16. 

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"All of the animals except for man know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it." ~ Samuel Butler